Enrico Martoglio
2013-02-28 12:42:40 UTC
Got a problem with epstopdf...
It only works with a single file, but if I'd have ie 4 or 5 eps files in
a folder, what can I do to process'em at once?
The sintax epstopdf ./*.eps doesn't work.
Greets from Italy
Heiko Oberdiek
2013-02-28 13:42:46 UTC
Post by Enrico Martoglio
Got a problem with epstopdf...
It only works with a single file, but if I'd have ie 4 or 5 eps files in
a folder, what can I do to process'em at once?
The sintax epstopdf ./*.eps doesn't work.
There are many ways for doing it on the command line, e.g.:

A simple for loop:

$ for file in *.eps; do epstopdf $file; done

Also xargs can be used:

$ ls *.eps | xargs -n 1 epstopdf

Or, if the files contains spaces:

$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name \*.eps -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 epstopdf

(all examples for linux shell/bash).

Yours sincerely
Heiko Oberdiek
Pierre MacKay
2013-02-28 18:17:56 UTC
Post by Enrico Martoglio
Got a problem with epstopdf...
It only works with a single file, but if I'd have ie 4 or 5 eps files
in a folder, what can I do to process'em at once?
The sintax epstopdf ./*.eps doesn't work.
Greets from Italy
The obvious way, if you have an access to shell programming (and there
is supposed to be some limited version of this on Windows):

For i in *.eps ;do
epstopdf $i

I don't know what that would look like in Moicrosoftese.

Pierre MacKay
Fabrice Popineau
2013-02-28 21:32:46 UTC
The obvious way, if you have an access to shell programming (and there is
For i in *.eps ;do
epstopdf $i
I don't know what that would look like in Moicrosoftese.
for %i in (*.eps) do epstopdf %i

BTW, if you run some cmd.exe (windows XP, Vista, 7, 8), you can get help :

help cmd
help for
help if

If you are very brave, you can even learn powershell.

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