Robert Diaz
2012-08-13 06:58:15 UTC
I want to report that:
I am a MacTeX 2012 user on an intel Mac using 10.8
First, in order to be able to use XeLaTeX on my favorite editor (TeXStudio), I had to perform the following operations:
1. Start Terminal.
2. Type cd ~/
3. Type touch .bash_profile
4.Type open -e .bash_profile
5. Added export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-darwin
saved and exited.
6.Type . .bash_profile
When running XeLaTeX, I receive the following message:
Process started: /usr/texbin/xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "notes".tex
** WARNING ** 177 memory objects still allocated You may want to report this to tex-k at
Process exited normally
I am not sure if you can do something about the first, but I am just following the advice of the output for the second.
I want to report that:
I am a MacTeX 2012 user on an intel Mac using 10.8
First, in order to be able to use XeLaTeX on my favorite editor (TeXStudio), I had to perform the following operations:
1. Start Terminal.
2. Type cd ~/
3. Type touch .bash_profile
4.Type open -e .bash_profile
5. Added export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-darwin
saved and exited.
6.Type . .bash_profile
When running XeLaTeX, I receive the following message:
Process started: /usr/texbin/xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "notes".tex
** WARNING ** 177 memory objects still allocated You may want to report this to tex-k at
Process exited normally
I am not sure if you can do something about the first, but I am just following the advice of the output for the second.