[tex-k] XeLaTeX compiling issue(s)
Robert Diaz
2012-08-13 06:58:15 UTC

I want to report that:

I am a MacTeX 2012 user on an intel Mac using 10.8

First, in order to be able to use XeLaTeX on my favorite editor (TeXStudio), I had to perform the following operations:

1. Start Terminal.
2. Type cd ~/
3. Type touch .bash_profile
4.Type open -e .bash_profile
5. Added export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-darwin
saved and exited.
6.Type . .bash_profile


When running XeLaTeX, I receive the following message:

Process started: /usr/texbin/xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "notes".tex

** WARNING ** 177 memory objects still allocated You may want to report this to tex-k at tug.org

Process exited normally

I am not sure if you can do something about the first, but I am just following the advice of the output for the second.


Peter Breitenlohner
2012-08-13 13:51:48 UTC
Post by Robert Diaz
** WARNING ** 177 memory objects still allocated You may want to report this to tex-k at tug.org

Thanks for reporting. This warning is from xdvipdfmx called internally from
xetex in order to convert the intermediate .xdv file into the final .pdf.

xdvipdfmx does some bookkeeping about memory allocations and prints this
warning when there is a discrepancy. This might be due to either a bug in
the bookkeeping or a memory leak (or both). If you can send us a
(preferably short) .tex file producing this warning, we could try to locate
and resolve the problem.

Peter Breitenlohner <peb at mppmu.mpg.de>
