Post by Pierre MacKayPost by Roderick JohnstonePost by Pierre MacKayPost by Roderick JohnstoneHi
I have an issue with fonts in some graphics files embedded by
dvips that
Post by Pierre MacKayPost by Roderick Johnstoneare not displaying correctly in the postscript written by
dvips. The
Post by Pierre MacKayPost by Roderick Johnstoneissue is fixed using dvips -j0.
Not sure if this is a dvips bug or a problem with my graphics
file. I
Post by Pierre MacKayPost by Roderick Johnstonecould provide a simple test case if anyone could help.
Roderick Johnstone
If the fonts are contained in the graphics file, DVIPS cannot
reach in
Post by Pierre MacKayto manage and revise any subsetting done by the graphics program.
Does dvips make any attempt to subset fonts in external graphics files
at all unless they contain something described in section 5.1.6. of
the dvips manual?
That was my point, I don't think it can do so or does do so, but the
phenomenon mentioned by Roderick Johnstone matches the effect of
conflicting subsets that I have already encountered, particularly when
using graphics generated by Illustrator. The confusion may arise in my
case owing to the use of a distiller such as ps2pdf or Adobe on-line
distiller. I wonder whether Roderick Johnstone's problem involves that
additional stage. In any case, I have learned to avoid using fonts with
the same foundry name in both included non-TeX graphics and TeX text.
For one thing, they never look quite the same, so an explicit change of
font seems a better idea.
Pierre MacKay
Thanks for your attention to this issue. Here are some more details.
I'm using texlive-2011 on Fedora 16 x86_64 from the packages made
available by Jindrich Novy.
I generated a graphics postscript file from a package called pgplot, and
incorporated that into a latex document.
What I find is that when using the "roman" font in pgplot and the latex
"times" package the postscript generated by dvips has some missing
symbols in the axis labels of the graphics, eg superscript minus sign is
missing. If I further process the ps file through ps2pdf the minus sign
is still missing and the spaces between words in the axis labels in the
graphics are lost in the resulting pdf.
As I said in my original post, this can be worked around by using dvips
-j0. The problem seems to be provoked by using a combination of the
latex "times" package and the "roman" pgplot font. Either omitting the
"times" package or changing to a different pgplot font avoids the problem.
Before we updated to Fedora 16 we were using the stock texlive-2007 in
Fedora 14 and we did not see this problem.